Crest Ultrasonics

Chem-Crest 918 (GALLON)

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Chem-Crest® 918

Phosphate- and caustic-free multi-purpose ultrasonic liquid detergent concentrate.
(1-gallon bottle)

Displaces light to heavy particulate matter contamination, light oils, solvents, lubricants, buffing and lapping compounds, carbon residues, fingerprints, and airborne contaminants.
Download a PDF of the Chem-Crest 918 product sheet — which contains the information below:

Chem-Crest 918 is an aqueous displacement solution and a multipurpose alkaline detergent. It is used to displace oils and solvents where a non-halogenated solvent is used first to remove heavy contaminants (dual process, patented). It finds many uses throughout industrial, mechanical, and maintenance cleaning operations. Chem-Crest 918 is freely water-soluble.
Typical Contaminants Removed
Chem-Crest 918 displaces light to heavy particulate matter contamination, light oils, solvents, lubricants, buffing and lapping compounds, carbon residues, fingerprints, and airborne contaminants.
Operating Conditions
Chem-Crest 918 is typically used at 4–10% by volume in ultrasonic cleaning applications. Normal operating temperatures: 120°–170°F, dependent on the material makeup of the substrate and the contaminants being removed. Recommended rinsing water temperature: 120°–150°F. Contact your Crest representative for product-line-specific recommendations.
Substrate Compatibility
Chem-Crest 918 is non-caustic and safe on steel, titanium, brass, aluminum, copper, beryllium copper, stainless steel, glass, plastics, ceramics, and other materials— when used as directed.
Chem-Crest 918 is available in cases of (4) x 1-gallon plastic bottles, 5-gallon pails, 55-gallon containers, and custom bulk sizes upon request.
Physical Data
Flash Point: None
Specific Gravity: 1.07 +/- 0.02
ph: 5% solution = 11.2 +/- 05
Solubility in Water: Complete
Volatiles: N/A
(The above are typical values and do not constitute specifications.)
Storage Conditions and Disposal Materials
Avoid freezing conditions. Dispose in accordance with Federal, State, and Local regulations and procedures. No products contained in this concentrate are regulated under SARA Title III, Section 313.
Safety Precautions

*** (Chemicals and Equipment items ship from separate locations) ***

Disclaimer: All statements, technical information, and recommendations contained herein are based on tests or other information available to us, which we believe to be reliable, but the accuracy and completeness thereof is not guaranteed and are made without representation or warranty. They are presented for your own investigation and verification. Products discussed are sold without warranty, expressed or implied, in law or fact and upon the condition that the purchasers make their own tests to determine the suitability of such products to their particular purpose. We shall not be liable for any injury, loss, or damage direct or consequential, arising out of the use or the inability to use the product. It is the user's obligation and responsibility to determine that any use of the product or the information may infringe on patent rights.
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Call or email your nearest Crest Ultrasonics sales representative before ordering. You will find the information you need here:

Chem-Crest 918 (GALLON)